CV Ref. 9    Charity Art Auctions

(excerpt from a catalogue) 
For the third time, the art auction "Art - Love - Hope" is taking place in the Helios Dachau Clinics in aid of the Bavarian Cancer Society, 2014.

25 artists will benefit from donations from the Bavarian Cancer Society, Germany. Part of the money will be used to help people with cancer and their families who have fallen into financial difficulties due to the disease through our hardship fund. The other part will go towards psychosocial cancer counseling, which benefits all cancer patients and relatives in Bavaria State seeking advice.

Prof. Dr. med. Günter Schlimok
President of the German Bavarian State Cancer Society, 2014

Partners of the Charity Auction

   Helios Amper-Klinikum Dachau (see below)
   Lions Club Dachau 
   Lions Club Starnberg
   Dachau city
   District Administration Office of the Dachau County
   KVD (Artists Association Dachau)

Auction catalogues (2011 and 2014)

Selected 25 artists and their works incl. painting, photographs, sculptures etc. are shown in each catalogue for auction participants as potential buyers.

About 80 - 100 guests from Munich and surrounding cities were invited at each auction.

SOLD. "mare incognita 3" (tempera)

My artwork, "mare incognita 3", was put up for the auction and sold to one of the participants.
At each auction sold entire presented artworks, having achieved total sales around € 30,000. The organization team donated 50 percents of sales to the Cancer Society, 50 percents to artists.

Note: Before the auction, this artwork was exhibited at one of the EuroArt exhibition, Prien in Germany 

Klee stand in engem Kontakt zur Redaktionsgemeinschaft Der Blaue Reiter.

Helios Amper-Klinikum (Clinic Group)

The Helios Clinic Group is one of the largest providers of inpatient and outpatient care in Europe, measured by the number of employees and turnover. In Germany, Helios has 87 clinics, including seven maximum care hospitals. The clinic group also has 120 medical care centers (MVZ) and ten prevention centers. Around 5.2 million people are treated in Germany every year, 4 million of them outpatients. The clinic company employed over 65,000 people in 2021 and generated sales of around 6.7 billion euros in the same year.[3] The group includes the subsidiary TIPP, which handles logistics in the Helios clinics. TIPP is divided into the areas of catering, service and hospital technology, among others. The pick-up and delivery service is carried out by TIPP in many hospitals.

The artwork above: Paul Klee "Feuer Abend (Fire night) 

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